“The most potent love it promotes is two of its heroines developing their self-love and their own peace. First, Laura Linney (Spangler) has her showstopping number, “Suddenly, Laura Linney.” Second, Emma Thompson (also Spangler) launches her own power ballad...moments like this make it all worthwhile.”
“ Joining them is Laura Linney, (Joyah Spangler) winning us over with her jazzy and soaring voice in a few show-stopping power ballads.”
“Spectacular dance numbers include “Whipped Into Shape” with marvelous dancer Joyah Spangler as Brooke Wyndham.”
“...Comically and romantically charged scenes (due, in enormous part, to the sensitive sexiness Spangler brings to Beth in spades) ”
“Joyah Spangler’s renditions of Emma and Laura (Thompson and Linney, respectively) is both vocally and comedically astounding; she’ll certainly be fronting one of Broadway’s glitzy new musical comedies in no time.”
“The thankless role of the rich woman, Elsa Schraeder, the captain’s short-term fiancée is skillfully and intelligently depicted by Joyah Spangler. ”
“Spangler is an unsung hero. Not only is she a dead ringer for Kelly Clarkson, she has a vocal to match. ”
“a comedic mastermind with a giant heart”